Data Protection Policy

Indian Queens Victory Hall Data Protection Policy


Indian Queens Victory Hall Management Committee (the Committee) needs to collect and use

certain types of information about the Data Subjects who come into contact with it in order to carry

on our work. This personal information must be collected and dealt with appropriately – whether on

paper, in a computer, or recorded on other material – and there are safeguards to ensure this

under the Data Protection Act 1998.

Data Protection Act 1998 – The UK legislation that provides a framework for responsible behaviour

by those using personal information.

The Indian Queens Victory Hall is the Data Controller under the Act, which means that it

determines what purposes personal information held will be used for. It is also responsible for

notifying the Information Commissioner of the data it holds or is likely to hold and the general

purposes that this data will be used for.


The Indian Queens Victory Hall may share data with other agencies such as the local authority,

funding bodies and other voluntary agencies.

The Data Subject will be made aware in most circumstances how and with whom their information

will be shared. There are circumstances how and with whom their information will be shared.

There are circumstances where the law allows The Indian Queens Victory Hall to disclose data

(including sensitive data) without the data Subject’s consent.

These are:

1. Carrying out a legal duty or as authorised by the Secretary of State

2. Protecting vital interests.

3. The Data Subject has already made the information public.

4. Conducting any legal proceedings, obtaining legal advice or defending any legal rights.

5. Monitoring for equal opportunities purposes i.e. race, disability or religion.

6. Providing a confidential service where the Data Subject’s consent cannot be obtained or

where it is reasonable to proceed without consent e.g. where we would wish to avoid forcing

stressed or ill Data Subjects to provide consent signatures.

The Indian Queens Victory Hall regards the lawful and correct treatment of personal

information as very important to successful working, and to maintaining the confidence of those

whom we deal with.

The Indian Queens Victory Hall intends to ensure that personal information is treated lawfully

and correctly.

To this end, The Indian Queens Victory Hall will adhere to the Principles of data Protection, as

detailed in the Data Protection Act 1998.

Specifically , the Principles require that personal information:

1. Shall be processed fairly and lawfully and, in particular, shall not be processed unless

specific conditions are met.

2. Shall be obtained only for one or more of the purposes specified in the Act, and shall not be

processed in any matter incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.

3. Shall be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to those purpose(s).

4. Shall be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date.

5. Shall not be kept for longer than is necessary.

6. Shall be processed in accordance with the rights of Data Subjects under the Act.

7. Shall be kept secure by the Data Controller who takes appropriate technical and other

measures to prevent unauthorised or unlawful processing or accidental loss or destruction

of, or damage to, personal information.

8. Shall not be transferred to a country or territory unless that country or territory ensures an

adequate level of protection for the rights and freedoms of Data Subjects in relation to the

processing of personal information.

The Indian Queens Victory Hall will, through appropriate management, apply strict application of

criteria and controls:

 Observe fully conditions regarding the fair collection and use of information.

 Meets its legal obligations to specify the purposes for which information is used.

 Collect and process appropriate information, and only to the extent that it is needed to fulfil

its operational needs or to comply with any legal requirements.

 Ensure the quality of the information used.

 Ensure that the rights of people about whom information is held, can be fully exercised

under the Act. These include:

o The right to be informed that processing is being undertaken.

o The right of access to one’s personal information.

o The right to prevent processing in certain circumstances and

o The right to correct, rectify, block or erase information which is regarded as wrong


 Take appropriate technical and organisational security measures to safeguard personal


 Ensure that personal information is not transferred abroad without suitable safeguards.

 Treat people justly and fairly whatever their age, religion, disability, gender, sexual

orientation or ethnicity when dealing with requests for information.

 Set out clear procedures for responding to requests for information.

Data Storage

Information and records relating to service users will be stored securely and will only be accessible

to authorised members.

Information will be stored for only as long as it is needed or is a required statute and will be

disposed of appropriately.

It is The Indian Queens Victory Hall’s responsibility to ensure all personal and company data is

non-recoverable from any computer system previously used within the organisation, which has

been passed on/sold to a third party.

Data Access and Accuracy

All Data Subjects have the right to access the information The Indian Queens Victory Hall holds

about them.

The Indian Queens Victory Hall will also take reasonable steps to ensure that this information is

kept up to date by asking Data Subjects whether there have been any changes.

This Policy will be updated as necessary to reflect best practice in data management, security and

control and to ensure compliance with any changes or amendments made to the Data Protection

Act 1998.

Data Protection Officer: Mrs Nicola Brady

This is the Data Protection Policy of Indian Queens Victory Hall


It will be reviewed every ________________________ months

Date of next review____________________________


Position __________________________________________________

Signed ___________________________________________________

Position __________________________________________________

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Indian Queens Victory Hall

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy

Equal Opportunities Statement of Commitment

Indian Queens Victory hall is committed to a policy of equality and aims to ensure that no

Committee member, user of the hall or member of the community is treated less favourably on

grounds of sex, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, marital status, age, sexual orientation,

disability or religious belief. Behaviour, comments or attitudes that undermine this principle will not

be tolerated.

We aim to provide equal access to learning opportunities and to ensure that everyone feels that

they are valued at the Hall. We seek to provide a safe, happy environment where all can flourish and

where cultural diversity is celebrated.

We aim to empower our members and users t make informed choices so that they are better

prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life within their community.

Equal opportunities are a shared responsibility and must be recognised by everyone who engages in

any way with The Victory Hall. All Committee members and users are obliged to respect and act in

accordance with the Policy with particular recognition that, the role of all Committee members and

users is crucial in the delivery of the objectives of the Policy.

Aims and Objectives

Indian Queens Victory Hall through its Equal Opportunities Policy aims to:

Carry out its legal duty in complying with the relevant legislation (including the Sex Discrimination

Act, Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Employment Equality Regulations.)

Reinforce the Victory Hall’s position as a venue for events and entertainment and a place for

providing development opportunities.

Ensure that equality remains high on the Victory Hall’s strategic agenda.

Establish good people management practice and to set out a proactive agenda in which

discrimination is recognised as an organisational issue which needs an organisational response.

Ensure all Committee members and users work together with a shared sense of purpose to meet the

needs of everyone.

Ensure that all Committee members and users contribute towards a happy and caring environment

by showing respect for, and appreciation of, one another as individuals.

Ensure that complaints or evidence of failure to comply with the Victory Hall’s Equal Opportunities

Policy will be dealt with promptly and fully investigated by the Management Committee.

All forms of discrimination by any person in the Hall or with responsibility for the Hall will be treated

seriously as such behaviour is unacceptable.

Policy and Planning

Equal opportunities implications, including race equality, will be considered and recorded whenever

the Hall’s policies are developed or reviewed. All policies will be regularly reviewed to provide a

comprehensive and consistent process of monitoring and evaluation.

This is the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Policy of Indian Queens Victory Hall


It will be reviewed every ________________________ months

Date of next review____________________________


Position __________________________________________________

Signed ___________________________________________________

Position __________________________________________________

Safeguarding Policy

Indian Queens Victory Hall Safeguarding Policy


Indian Queens Victory Hall follows the Multi Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy for Cornwall. It has a

commitment to ensure all staff and volunteers understand and adhere to the principles and

procedures within that policy.

All staff and volunteers need to be aware of Indian Queens Victory Hall’s commitment to this policy

and staff and volunteers who work with adults who may be at risk will be given more in depth


Who do adult safeguarding duties apply to?

Under the Care Act 2014 adult safeguarding duties apply to an adult who:

• has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those

needs) and;

• is experiencing, or at risk of, neglect or abuse; and;

• as a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the

risk of, or the experience of neglect or abuse.

Under normal circumstances a person is a "child" until they reach 18 years of age or until they get


What is abuse?

Abuse is actual (or potential) harm or exploitation of a person. The categories of abuse defined in the

Care Act are as follows:

 Physical abuse: including assault, hitting, slapping, pushing, misuse of medication, restraint

or inappropriate physical sanctions.

 Domestic abuse: including psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional abuse,

controlling and coercive behaviour and ‘honour-based’ violence.

 Sexual violence: including rape, indecent exposure, sexual harassment, inappropriate

looking or touching, sexual teasing or innuendo, sexual photography, subjection to

pornography or witnessing sexual acts and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the adult

has not consented or was coerced.

 Psychological abuse: including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment,

deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment,

verbal abuse, cyber bullying, isolation or unreasonable and unjustified withdrawal of services

or supportive networks.

 Financial or material abuse: including coercion to take extortionate loans and threats to

recover debt, theft, fraud, internet scamming, coercion in relation to an adult’s financial affairs

or arrangements, including in connection to wills, property, inheritance or financial

transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.

 Modern slavery: encompasses slavery, human trafficking, forced labour and domestic


 Discriminatory abuse: including forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment; because

of race, gender and gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation or religion.

 Organisational abuse: including neglect and poor care practice within an institution or

specific care setting such as a hospital or care home or in relation to care provided in one’s

own home. This may range from one off incidents to on-going ill-treatment. It can be through

neglect or poor professional practice as a result of the structure, policies, processes and

practices within an organisation.

 Neglect and acts of omission: including ignoring medical, emotional or physical care

needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, care and support or educational

services, the withholding of the necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and


 Self-neglect: this covers a wide range of behaviour; neglecting to care for one’s personal

hygiene, health or surroundings and includes behaviour such as hoarding that causes a risk of


Abuse can consist of a single act or repeated acts. It can occur in any relationship and may result in

significant harm to, or exploitation of, the person subjected to it.


If a disclosure of alleged abuse is made to any Trustee or volunteers it is not their responsibility to

investigate the allegation; but wherever possible they should try to obtain the following information:

 details of the person who has disclosed that they have been abused

 the person they allege to be the abuser,

 the type of abuse,

 where the abuse has taken place,

 when,

 whether or not consent has been obtained from the Adult at Risk.

They should contact a named Safeguarding Adult Lead Person within Indian Queens Victory Hall who

will support them in taking the matter forward, i.e. supporting member of staff or volunteer to make

telephone contact with MARU (Multi Agency Referral Unit). An Inter-Agency Adult Safeguarding

Referral Form will be required to follow up the phone call.

The named Indian Queens Victory Hall Safeguarding Adult Lead Person is:

Mrs Margaret Boundy Tel: (01637)

In the absence of Margaret Boundy please contact the deputy:

Mrs Karen Crane Tel: (01726) 860144

If the allegation is against the main named Safeguarding Adult Lead Person, the deputy should be


If further disclosures are made by the same adult at risk, without evidence of any obvious action

being taken from the original disclosure, immediate contact should be made with the Safeguarding

Adults Lead to ensure the allegation is being suitably dealt with.

Out Of Hours/ Safeguarding Adults Leads Unavailable

If there is a need to make a Safeguarding Adults alert out of normal operating hours (such as

evenings and weekends) or none of the Safeguarding Adult Leads are available then the alert should

be made direct to the Multi-Agency Referral Unit (MARU), Tel: 0300 1231 116

The person making the alert should also inform one of the Safeguarding Adults Leads of the action

taken as soon as practicably possible when normal operating hours resume.


Once information has been supplied to the Indian Queens Victory Hall Safeguarding Adults Leads it

should not be subject to further discussion with anyone else, unless information is specifically

requested by someone involved in the Safeguarding Adults process. If there is any doubt an Indian

Queens Victory Hall Safeguarding Adults Lead should be contacted to clarify the situation and provide


Staff and volunteers should be aware that the information provided by an Indian Queens Victory Hall

employee or volunteer to the Indian Queens Victory Hall Safeguarding Adults Lead Person will be

acted upon in accordance with the Multi Agency Safeguarding Adults Policy in Cornwall.

No guarantees that the information will remain confidential should be made to the person making the


All Indian Queens Victory Hall staff and volunteers must agree to apply this procedure in practice.

The procedure is deemed to be incorporated in the staff contract of employment and it is a condition

of service with Indian Queens Victory Hall that staff and volunteers understand and operate the

policy fully.

This is the Safeguarding Policy of Indian Queens Victory Hall


It will be reviewed every ________________________ months

Date of next review____________________________


Position __________________________________________________

Signed ___________________________________________________

Position __________________________________________________

Volunteer Policy

Indian Queens Victory Hall Volunteer Policy

Volunteering with Indian Queens Victory Hall

About us

The Indian Queens Victory Hall was built in 1921 for the use of the community of Indian

Queens and the surrounding area. The Hall is managed by Trustees which form a committee

of a maximum of 20.

The Hall employs a caretaker but is mostly supported by volunteers.

Purpose of our volunteer policy

Our volunteer policy has been created to show our volunteers and potential volunteers that we

have spent time and care in planning how volunteers will be welcomed at Indian Queens

Victory Hall. It also outlines that all volunteers will be treated in a fair and consistent way. It

should also help our volunteers understand what support is available to them and what they

can expect from us.

Our vision and mission for volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to share your enthusiasm, skills and ideas whilst having fun and

meeting like-minded people. By volunteering for Indian Queens Victory Hall you will be making

a positive contribution to community development in our area. Volunteers are vital to our work.

Attracting volunteers and volunteer agreement

We have a range of opportunities for volunteers to get involved in. You can look at the

Facebook page or our website for volunteering roles. All you need to do then is to complete

our very short Volunteer Registration Form. Alternatively, you can come along to any Hall

event in person and enquire about becoming a volunteer.

Once we receive a copy of your completed registration form, a member of our team will get in

touch with more information on specific opportunities and we can decide together which option

best matches your interests and time availability and also our needs. Your help will be greatly

appreciated and really will make a difference.

DBS Checks

Some volunteer roles will require a DBS check to inform Indian Queens Victory Hall of any

criminal convictions that a person wishing to volunteer may have. For example, any volunteer

position which involves regulated activity with children or vulnerable adults will be subject to a

DBS check. In this event Indian Queens Victory Hall will work with the volunteer in line with our

confidentially policy, data protection policy, and our safeguarding policy. Indian Queens Victory

Hall will pay for the check to be carried out unless the volunteer already has an in date check

which is enhanced to a sufficient standard.

Application process

Once Indian Queens Victory Hall receives a request to volunteer Indian Queens Victory Hall

will arrange for an informal interview and arrange for a DBS check if the role requires one. Any

policies including the Volunteer Policy will be made available.

Induction and training

It does not matter how much you already know, as there will be opportunities to learn, and we

have roles to suit every level of expertise.

There will be an induction prepared and delivered by one of our staff. This will include:

Some information about Indian Queens Victory Hall our vision, mission and our future plans;

the role of the volunteer;

introduction to some volunteers;

tour around our facilities and see some of our initiatives;

copy of all the relevant policies including this volunteer policy and also our Health and

Safety, Expenses, Equality and Diversity and Conflict Management;

essential procedures such as timekeeping, rota;

information about training and ongoing learning opportunities

There will be a trial period of four weeks to give Indian Queens Victory Hall and you time to

discover if you are suited to each other. A review will be made midway through the trial period

and also at the end. This is not an assessment, it is just so that we can be sure that you benefit

the most from the volunteering experience and maximise the time you are giving freely.


Our Volunteer Manager/Co-ordinator will offer support to you. They will remain your key

contact throughout your volunteering with us. This will include regular meetings with you to

discuss how you are getting on, discuss any training needs and deal with issues arising. This

will also ensure that Indian Queens Victory Hall are doing all we can to make your volunteering

experience an enjoyable and meaningful one.

Recognition and reward

We could not do the work we do without our volunteers. To acknowledge this we will always

say thank you and show appreciation for a job well done. There will always be a listening ear

or shoulder to lean on.

We will hold social events each year to celebrate our achievements; this might be a certificate

presentation for volunteers or a celebration at Christmas. During these events you will get an

opportunity to meet other volunteers and supporters of our work and share in our plans for the


We will take opportunities in our website and Facebook page, annual general meetings, and

local and national press to praise the achievements of our volunteers.

Insurance, health and safety, accidents and risk assessment

Indian Queens Victory Hall has a valid insurance policy so that volunteers are covered by

public liability insurance, which you are advised to read. It covers the volunteering activities

you will be doing. We will keep reminding you of our Health and Safety Policy and give simple

instructions on how to perform each task safely. We have clear procedures for accidents and

emergencies and will always have a first aider on field sites.

Resolving problems

We hope that you will have a very enjoyable experience volunteering with us. However if your

role as a volunteer does not meet with your expectations or with the commitments we have

made to you, we want you to feel comfortable about letting us know. First of all, talk to the

person who leads the team where you volunteer and he or she should be able to sort it out

with you before it becomes a problem. If you do not feel this will resolve things you can speak

to the Volunteer co-ordinator.


We expect all volunteers to adhere to confidentiality guidelines which will be explained to you

before you begin volunteering with us and this also includes use of social media and contact

with any press.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Indian Queens Victory Hall is committed to embracing diversity and promoting equality and

inclusion. When representing Indian Queens Victory Hall as a volunteer we expect you to

support our commitment to promoting equality.

Volunteering whilst on benefits

You can still volunteer with us if you are receiving benefits provided that we follow the legal

guidelines. We have information from the Jobs and Benefits Department which we can talk

through with you regarding the hours you can do and what you can claim for expenses

incurred through volunteering.

This is the Volunteer Policy of Indian Queens Victory Hall


It will be reviewed every ________________________ months

Date of next review____________________________


Position __________________________________________________

Signed ___________________________________________________

Position __________________________________________________

Indian Queens Victory Hall Charity Number: 1110642

General rules governing the use of Indian Queens Victory Hall

General rules governing the use of Indian Queens

Victory Hall Registered Charity Number 1110642

Preamble : The management of the Hall is vested in the General Committee (the

Trustees) of the registered charity, Indian Queens Victory Hall. (The Hall) The

powers and composition of the General Committee are defined in an Indenture dated

5 th June 1922, a copy of which may be inspected during reasonable hours on

application to the Secretary of the Hall.

Under the provisions of the Indenture, the General Committee is empowered to

make rules, or to withdraw or amend them. Certain of these rules are derived from

the requirements of the Community Premises Licence (CPL) issued in respect of the

premises. The CPL is displayed at the Hall.

1. Use of the Hall: Use of the premises and its facilities is subject to the following

rules and in the case of hirers, to certain Standard Conditions specified in the Hiring


2. Equal opportunities : The Hall shall be open to all, subject to adherence of these

rules, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation., age , disability, religious or

political beliefs or marital status.

3. Applying to use the Hall :

a) Application for use of the Hall shall be made to the Booking Secretary.

b) The right to refuse any application for the use of Hall facilities is reserved to the

General Committee. The General Committee will refuse an application to use the

Hall’s facilities if the use by a particular association or individual presents a risk of

public disorder or of alienating the Hall’s beneficiaries or supporters.

c) All arrangements for the use of Hall facilities are subject to the General Committee

reserving the right to cancel bookings when the premises are required for use as a

Polling Station or are rendered unfit for the intended use.

d) Groups run primarily for the benefit of residents of Indian Queens and the

surrounding area shall normally have priority use of its facilities, but all arrangements

to hire facilities made with outside bodies and individuals shall be honoured by the

General Committee, except as provided for in c) above.

4. Hours of opening : The Hall is available to hirers between the hours of 8.00am

and 11.30pm, seven days a week, subject to the conditions of the Hire Agreement.

Special arrangement for certain types of bookings may allow the hall to be open until

12.00 midnight but in these cases all clients must be clear of the hall by 12.00


5. Maximum capacity: The hall has a maximum capacity of 160 seated persons of

any category (i.e. audience, staff, performers, officials). On no account shall this

figure be exceeded.

6. No smoking: There shall be no smoking anywhere on the premises, including

toilets. From July 1st 2007 it is against the law to smoke in any enclosed public

space, which includes any part of the Hall. The hirer has a responsibility to ensure

that the law is complied with during the period of hire for all persons on the premises.

Failure to comply with the new law is a criminal offence which may lead to the

prosecution of the hirer and any person found smoking during their booked period of

hire. Please refer to the Smoke Free England website at for more information. Furthermore, the Trustees of

the Hall will refuse to accept future bookings from persons not complying with the


7. Safety regulations: All conditions attached to the granting of the Hall’s Premises

Licence, or other licences shall be strictly observed. Nothing shall be done which will

endanger the users of the building and the policies of insurance relating to it and its

contents. Serious breaches of these requirements may result in termination of hire

contracts during a hire session. In particular:

a) Obstruction must not be placed in gangways or exits, nor in front of fire

extinguishers or call point units or emergency exits, which must be immediately

available for unimpeded public egress.

b) All groups are expected to arrange their own fire drills in order to familiarise

themselves with evacuation procedures.

c) The emergency lighting must be fully functional during the whole time the

premises are occupied, and must illuminate all exit signs and routes.

d) Fire fighting apparatus shall be kept in its proper place and only used for its

intended purpose.

e) Fire doors must not be propped open except for short periods when furniture or

large equipment is being moved. A responsible person must ensure that this rule is

complied with.

f) The Fire Brigade shall be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight and details

of the occurrence shall be given immediately to any of the key holders listed in the


g) Performances involving danger to the public shall not be given.

h) Seating plans have been agreed with Cornwall’s Fire and Rescue Fire Prevention

Officer. Copies of these plans are available on request. Gangway widths and row-

row spacing must not be reduced below the permitted dimensions under any


i) Hirers shall not bring flammable gases or liquids into, nor use such substances in

any part of the premises without written permission from the Trustees. Any drapes,

curtains or cloth fabric used as part of productions on the stage or in any of the

rooms must comply with Fire regulations – BS5867. No candles, oil lamps or

portable heating appliances shall be used by hirers on the premises without the

written permission of the Trustees.

j) The First Aid boxes are located in the Kitchen. In the case of an accident please

contact a committee member.

k) All electrical equipment brought into the building shall comply with the Electricity at

Work Regulations 1989. All electrical equipment used in conjunction with public

entertainment must comply with the recommendation of HSE GS 50.

8. Security: External emergency exit doors are to be kept closed at all times. The

locking of other doors may be desirable in the interests of safety of (for example)

young children, subject to the overriding requirements of fire safety.

9. Supervision: The hirer or person in charge of an activity shall not be under 18

years of age and shall be on the premises for the entire period of the hire, or duration

of the activity. They shall not be engaged in any activities which prevent them from

exercising general supervision. When the premises or any part of them are used for

the purpose of public entertainment, there shall be a minimum of two persons,

neither of whom shall be less than 18 years of age, on duty where under 100

persons are attending the entertainment. The number of adult attendants required is

increased in the following circumstances:

a) Where 100 – 150 people are present – to three

b) Where 150 or more are present – to four

c) When the majority of those present at the entertainment are less than 16 years of

age, or when many people with disabilities are expected to attend, the numbers of

adult supervisors required will be increased in agreement with Hirer and the General

Committee. Provision of these attendants or supervisors is the responsibility of the

hirer. All persons in charge or on duty shall familiarise themselves with the fire

notices and the fire-fighting equipment provided.

10. Safety of Young Children: Children’s groups involving young children under

eight years of age will be permitted on the premises with the written agreement of

the General Committee. Permission is requested simply by requesting the booking

through the normal hiring agreement which will then be confirmed by the

representative of the Trustees. These groups will require that the relevant provisions

of the Children Act 1989 and any conditions required by the Department of Health

and Social Care are complied with and in the case of all hirers, it is the responsibility

of the organisers of the activities concerned to ensure that only fit and proper

persons have access to young children, and that such persons shall at all times be in

attendance upon young children who are on the premises for the activities


11. Food Handling : Contract Caterers may be engaged to supply food or drink, and

all Hirers must be aware of and comply with all current Food & Food Handling


12. Intoxicating Liquor: No intoxicating liquors are permitted to be bought or sold

on any part of the premises without the express permission in writing of the General

Committee, whose consent must be obtained. This clause shall not prohibit or

prevent the inclusion of alcohol as raffle or bingo prizes.

13. Music in the Hall: Hirers and organisers of events in the Hall are responsible for

ensuring that the noise levels of their functions is not such as to interfere with other

activities within the building, nor to cause inconvenience to the occupiers of nearby

houses and apartments. The premises are licensed with the Performing Rights

Society (PRS), for the performance of copyright music. The Hall is licensed with

Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL). Hirers intending performance of recorded

music must consult the Secretary before making arrangements for such use of

recorded music.

14. Betting, Gaming and Lotteries: Nothing shall be done on or in relation to the

premises in contravention of the law relating to betting, gaming and lotteries and

persons or groups responsible for functions held in the Hall shall ensure that this

ruling is adhered to. The Hall does not hold licences for such activities.

15. Storage: The permission of the General Committee must be obtained before

goods or equipment are left or stored at the Hall, except that the Bookings Secretary

is authorised to grant permission for the overnight storage of goods and equipment

brought to the Hall for a particular function or event.

16. Posters: Posters and similar material must only be posted on designated areas.

Material must not be fixed directly to the walls.

17. Heating/Ventilation Installations: Fully automatic heating systems are

installed. Controls must not be interfered with. Any malfunction must be reported to

the Bookings Secretary.

18. Lighting: The ceiling light fittings in the main hall are fitted with special high LED


19. Loss of property: The General Committee cannot accept responsibility for

damage to or loss or theft of, hirer’s property and effects.

20. Car Parking: Vehicles shall not be parked so as to cause obstruction at the

entrance to, or exits from the Hall. Users of the Hall must avoid creating undue

noise on arrival and especially during late evening departures. Consideration to

nearby residents must be given at all times.

21. Nuisance:

a) Litter shall not be left in or around the Hall premises.

b) Except in the case of trained dogs for the handicapped, animals shall only be

permitted on the Hall premises in connection with organised activities such as dog

training or pet shows.

c) Hirers and organisers of events in the Hall are responsible for ensuring that the

noise level of their functions is not such as to interfere with other activities within the

building, nor to cause inconvenience for the occupiers of nearby properties.

d) The emergency exit doors in the Hall must be kept closed where this is necessary

to prevent a noise nuisance.

e) We have a zero tolerance policy to any abusive or disruptive behaviour towards

our staff or volunteers.

22. Official Visitors: Any visits to a function held by a hirer, by an official in the

course of their duty, e.g. Emergency Services, Fire Protection Officer, Premises

Licensing, and Environmental Health et al must be notified without delay to any one

of the hall key holders, whose contact details are shown in the Foyer.

23. Cleaning and Security: All use of Hall premises and facilities is subject to the

user accepting responsibility for setting out required furniture and equipment,

returning everything to their original positions and for securing doors and windows of

the premises. All lights must be turned off on leaving the premises. The premises will

be checked by a hall representative at the end of the hire period. All users shall also

leave the premises and surrounds in a clean and tidy condition. Failure to do so will

result in additional charges being imposed.

24. Waste Disposal: All users of the Hall are required to remove all waste materials

from the premises on conclusion of the hire period. Failure to do so will result in

additional charges being imposed.

25. Breakages/Damage: All breakages/damage to hall fittings, fixtures and

equipment must be reported promptly to the Secretary.

26. Access to Hall: The committee reserves the right to enter the building at any

time to ensure that the rules and hiring agreement are adhered too.

27. Polling Station: In the event of any local or General elections being called, the

committee reserves the right to cancel any bookings on this day. No compensation

will be awarded, only the return of the booking fee.

Health and Safety Policy 

Indian Queens Victory Hall Health and Safety Policy   


Indian Queens Victory Hall Management Committee (the Committee) has drawn up this policy to set out procedures and areas of responsibility to ensure in so far as it can the health and safety of users of the Village Hall.

The Committee is responsible for running the Village Hall and recognises its duty to ensure the safety of people using it.

Monitoring of Health and Safety
It is the duty of all hirers, users and visitors to take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities and to co-operate with the Committee in keeping the premises, including the grounds, safe and fit for purpose.
Should anyone using the Hall come across a fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and which cannot be rectified they should inform the Caretaker as soon as possible so the problem can be dealt with. Where Village Hall equipment is damaged that damage should be reported to the Caretaker. The Caretaker should inform the Committee Chairman.

Mitigation of Risk
To mitigate risk the Committee takes the following steps:
• To discuss and report on Health and Safety at every meeting of the Committee
• To update Risk Assessment every year or sooner if deemed necessary by the Committee
• Ensure that there is a copy of the current Health and Safety Policy published on the Victory Hall website
Hazardous substances/materials that must not be used in the Hall are:
• Flammable liquids
• Naked flames including candles and fireworks
Preventative and protective measures must be taken in accordance with the Health and Safety Policy as follows:
• Smoking is forbidden inside the Hall
• Storage of combustible material near a source of ignition is not permitted
• Emergency exits and routes to them must be kept clear/unlocked at all times
• Appropriate Fire Fighting Equipment to be provided
• Fire Equipment to be maintained and checked annually

Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult at all times.

Electrical safety
xThe following must be adhered to:
• Electrical appliances must not be left unsupervised when in operation
• Plug sockets must not be overloaded
• Should users/hirers want to bring electrical appliances onto the premises they must make the Caretaker aware of this in advance. The users/ hirers are responsible for ensuring that the appliances meet safety standards
• Electrical equipment showing signs of damage, exposure of components, water damage etc must not be touched or operated
• Users have a responsibility to ensure that all electrical appliances are shut off and where possible unplugged when leaving the Hall
• Trailing wires or cables are a trip hazard and should be taped down with appropriate high visibility “hazard” tape.

The Hall has central heating. Should users suspect any malfunction then the heating system should not be used and the Caretaker should be informed immediately. In the colder winter months, the Caretaker may give instructions to leave the heating on at a minimum temperature between hires.
Users must not allow children to adjust the heating at any time.

The Hall is cleaned and safety checked on a regular basis. However, every user has a responsibility to ensure that the Hall is left clean and tidy. Please note that the worktop surfaces can only be cleaned by the product provided by the hall.
All users must use the rubbish bins and recycling bins. Any major spillage, damage or accident should be reported to the Caretaker. Food, drink, bottles and perishable items must be taken away at the end of each hire.
The grounds outside and frontage of the Hall must be kept clear of litter.

As the Hall is situated in a residential area, users should be considerate and keep noise levels to a minimum. Playing any form of music, whether live or recorded, must be kept to an acceptable level and must cease at 11.30pm unless otherwise authorised by the Committee. Users should also be considerate when leaving the Hall.

Parking in the grounds of the Hall is limited and at the users’ risk. Do not obstruct driveways or block the road.
Fire Evacuation Procedures

The hirer is deemed the “Responsible Person” and is designated the person in charge of the Hall during the period of hire.
The Responsible Person is strongly advised to record the name of each person attending the event (see step 1. Roll Call).

1. In the event of a Fire, the Responsible Person shall instruct all persons to leave the building using the nearest available Emergency Exit and to muster together as soon as possible in the Victory Hall car park. A Roll Call shall be taken.

2. No matter how small the fire, THE FIRE BRIGADE MUST BE CALLED ON 999 giving the address: The Indian Queens Victory Hall, St Francis road, Indian Queens, St Columb TR9 6QN

3. The Responsible Person shall ensure that once the Hall is vacated, members of the public do not re enter the building under any circumstances.

4. On the arrival of the Fire Brigade, the Responsible Person shall inform the Officer in Charge that a Roll Call has been taken and all persons are safe/there are missing persons.

5. As soon as the foregoing steps have been carried out the Responsible Person shall inform the Caretaker. The Caretaker shall directly inform a Committee member.

Accident Reporting Procedure
Any accident must be reported to the Caretaker, who will update the accident book upon request:
In the event of an emergency, the nearest hospital is:
The Royal Cornwall Hospital, Treliske, Truro

A copy of the Certificate of Insurance is displayed on the Notice Board inside the Hall.
Caretaker contact information

     Mr. Dave Hearl           Mrs Karen Crane         Mr Brian Whit

       T: 01726860441          T: 01726860144          T: 01726860796

This is the Health and Safety Policy of Indian Queens Victory Hall




It will be reviewed every ________________________ months


Date of next review____________________________




Position __________________________________________________


Signed ___________________________________________________


Position __________________________________________________




Indian Queens Victory Hall Charity Number: 1187709