General rules governing the use of Indian Queens
Victory Hall Registered Charity Number 1110642
Preamble : The management of the Hall is vested in the General Committee (the
Trustees) of the registered charity, Indian Queens Victory Hall. (The Hall) The
powers and composition of the General Committee are defined in an Indenture dated
5 th June 1922, a copy of which may be inspected during reasonable hours on
application to the Secretary of the Hall.
Under the provisions of the Indenture, the General Committee is empowered to
make rules, or to withdraw or amend them. Certain of these rules are derived from
the requirements of the Community Premises Licence (CPL) issued in respect of the
premises. The CPL is displayed at the Hall.
1. Use of the Hall: Use of the premises and its facilities is subject to the following
rules and in the case of hirers, to certain Standard Conditions specified in the Hiring
2. Equal opportunities : The Hall shall be open to all, subject to adherence of these
rules, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation., age , disability, religious or
political beliefs or marital status.
3. Applying to use the Hall :
a) Application for use of the Hall shall be made to the Booking Secretary.
b) The right to refuse any application for the use of Hall facilities is reserved to the
General Committee. The General Committee will refuse an application to use the
Hall’s facilities if the use by a particular association or individual presents a risk of
public disorder or of alienating the Hall’s beneficiaries or supporters.
c) All arrangements for the use of Hall facilities are subject to the General Committee
reserving the right to cancel bookings when the premises are required for use as a
Polling Station or are rendered unfit for the intended use.
d) Groups run primarily for the benefit of residents of Indian Queens and the
surrounding area shall normally have priority use of its facilities, but all arrangements
to hire facilities made with outside bodies and individuals shall be honoured by the
General Committee, except as provided for in c) above.
4. Hours of opening : The Hall is available to hirers between the hours of 8.00am
and 11.30pm, seven days a week, subject to the conditions of the Hire Agreement.
Special arrangement for certain types of bookings may allow the hall to be open until
12.00 midnight but in these cases all clients must be clear of the hall by 12.00
5. Maximum capacity: The hall has a maximum capacity of 160 seated persons of
any category (i.e. audience, staff, performers, officials). On no account shall this
figure be exceeded.
6. No smoking: There shall be no smoking anywhere on the premises, including
toilets. From July 1st 2007 it is against the law to smoke in any enclosed public
space, which includes any part of the Hall. The hirer has a responsibility to ensure
that the law is complied with during the period of hire for all persons on the premises.
Failure to comply with the new law is a criminal offence which may lead to the
prosecution of the hirer and any person found smoking during their booked period of
hire. Please refer to the Smoke Free England website at for more information. Furthermore, the Trustees of
the Hall will refuse to accept future bookings from persons not complying with the
7. Safety regulations: All conditions attached to the granting of the Hall’s Premises
Licence, or other licences shall be strictly observed. Nothing shall be done which will
endanger the users of the building and the policies of insurance relating to it and its
contents. Serious breaches of these requirements may result in termination of hire
contracts during a hire session. In particular:
a) Obstruction must not be placed in gangways or exits, nor in front of fire
extinguishers or call point units or emergency exits, which must be immediately
available for unimpeded public egress.
b) All groups are expected to arrange their own fire drills in order to familiarise
themselves with evacuation procedures.
c) The emergency lighting must be fully functional during the whole time the
premises are occupied, and must illuminate all exit signs and routes.
d) Fire fighting apparatus shall be kept in its proper place and only used for its
intended purpose.
e) Fire doors must not be propped open except for short periods when furniture or
large equipment is being moved. A responsible person must ensure that this rule is
complied with.
f) The Fire Brigade shall be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight and details
of the occurrence shall be given immediately to any of the key holders listed in the
g) Performances involving danger to the public shall not be given.
h) Seating plans have been agreed with Cornwall’s Fire and Rescue Fire Prevention
Officer. Copies of these plans are available on request. Gangway widths and row-
row spacing must not be reduced below the permitted dimensions under any
i) Hirers shall not bring flammable gases or liquids into, nor use such substances in
any part of the premises without written permission from the Trustees. Any drapes,
curtains or cloth fabric used as part of productions on the stage or in any of the
rooms must comply with Fire regulations – BS5867. No candles, oil lamps or
portable heating appliances shall be used by hirers on the premises without the
written permission of the Trustees.
j) The First Aid boxes are located in the Kitchen. In the case of an accident please
contact a committee member.
k) All electrical equipment brought into the building shall comply with the Electricity at
Work Regulations 1989. All electrical equipment used in conjunction with public
entertainment must comply with the recommendation of HSE GS 50.
8. Security: External emergency exit doors are to be kept closed at all times. The
locking of other doors may be desirable in the interests of safety of (for example)
young children, subject to the overriding requirements of fire safety.
9. Supervision: The hirer or person in charge of an activity shall not be under 18
years of age and shall be on the premises for the entire period of the hire, or duration
of the activity. They shall not be engaged in any activities which prevent them from
exercising general supervision. When the premises or any part of them are used for
the purpose of public entertainment, there shall be a minimum of two persons,
neither of whom shall be less than 18 years of age, on duty where under 100
persons are attending the entertainment. The number of adult attendants required is
increased in the following circumstances:
a) Where 100 – 150 people are present – to three
b) Where 150 or more are present – to four
c) When the majority of those present at the entertainment are less than 16 years of
age, or when many people with disabilities are expected to attend, the numbers of
adult supervisors required will be increased in agreement with Hirer and the General
Committee. Provision of these attendants or supervisors is the responsibility of the
hirer. All persons in charge or on duty shall familiarise themselves with the fire
notices and the fire-fighting equipment provided.
10. Safety of Young Children: Children’s groups involving young children under
eight years of age will be permitted on the premises with the written agreement of
the General Committee. Permission is requested simply by requesting the booking
through the normal hiring agreement which will then be confirmed by the
representative of the Trustees. These groups will require that the relevant provisions
of the Children Act 1989 and any conditions required by the Department of Health
and Social Care are complied with and in the case of all hirers, it is the responsibility
of the organisers of the activities concerned to ensure that only fit and proper
persons have access to young children, and that such persons shall at all times be in
attendance upon young children who are on the premises for the activities
11. Food Handling : Contract Caterers may be engaged to supply food or drink, and
all Hirers must be aware of and comply with all current Food & Food Handling
12. Intoxicating Liquor: No intoxicating liquors are permitted to be bought or sold
on any part of the premises without the express permission in writing of the General
Committee, whose consent must be obtained. This clause shall not prohibit or
prevent the inclusion of alcohol as raffle or bingo prizes.
13. Music in the Hall: Hirers and organisers of events in the Hall are responsible for
ensuring that the noise levels of their functions is not such as to interfere with other
activities within the building, nor to cause inconvenience to the occupiers of nearby
houses and apartments. The premises are licensed with the Performing Rights
Society (PRS), for the performance of copyright music. The Hall is licensed with
Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL). Hirers intending performance of recorded
music must consult the Secretary before making arrangements for such use of
recorded music.
14. Betting, Gaming and Lotteries: Nothing shall be done on or in relation to the
premises in contravention of the law relating to betting, gaming and lotteries and
persons or groups responsible for functions held in the Hall shall ensure that this
ruling is adhered to. The Hall does not hold licences for such activities.
15. Storage: The permission of the General Committee must be obtained before
goods or equipment are left or stored at the Hall, except that the Bookings Secretary
is authorised to grant permission for the overnight storage of goods and equipment
brought to the Hall for a particular function or event.
16. Posters: Posters and similar material must only be posted on designated areas.
Material must not be fixed directly to the walls.
17. Heating/Ventilation Installations: Fully automatic heating systems are
installed. Controls must not be interfered with. Any malfunction must be reported to
the Bookings Secretary.
18. Lighting: The ceiling light fittings in the main hall are fitted with special high LED
19. Loss of property: The General Committee cannot accept responsibility for
damage to or loss or theft of, hirer’s property and effects.
20. Car Parking: Vehicles shall not be parked so as to cause obstruction at the
entrance to, or exits from the Hall. Users of the Hall must avoid creating undue
noise on arrival and especially during late evening departures. Consideration to
nearby residents must be given at all times.
21. Nuisance:
a) Litter shall not be left in or around the Hall premises.
b) Except in the case of trained dogs for the handicapped, animals shall only be
permitted on the Hall premises in connection with organised activities such as dog
training or pet shows.
c) Hirers and organisers of events in the Hall are responsible for ensuring that the
noise level of their functions is not such as to interfere with other activities within the
building, nor to cause inconvenience for the occupiers of nearby properties.
d) The emergency exit doors in the Hall must be kept closed where this is necessary
to prevent a noise nuisance.
e) We have a zero tolerance policy to any abusive or disruptive behaviour towards
our staff or volunteers.
22. Official Visitors: Any visits to a function held by a hirer, by an official in the
course of their duty, e.g. Emergency Services, Fire Protection Officer, Premises
Licensing, and Environmental Health et al must be notified without delay to any one
of the hall key holders, whose contact details are shown in the Foyer.
23. Cleaning and Security: All use of Hall premises and facilities is subject to the
user accepting responsibility for setting out required furniture and equipment,
returning everything to their original positions and for securing doors and windows of
the premises. All lights must be turned off on leaving the premises. The premises will
be checked by a hall representative at the end of the hire period. All users shall also
leave the premises and surrounds in a clean and tidy condition. Failure to do so will
result in additional charges being imposed.
24. Waste Disposal: All users of the Hall are required to remove all waste materials
from the premises on conclusion of the hire period. Failure to do so will result in
additional charges being imposed.
25. Breakages/Damage: All breakages/damage to hall fittings, fixtures and
equipment must be reported promptly to the Secretary.
26. Access to Hall: The committee reserves the right to enter the building at any
time to ensure that the rules and hiring agreement are adhered too.
27. Polling Station: In the event of any local or General elections being called, the
committee reserves the right to cancel any bookings on this day. No compensation
will be awarded, only the return of the booking fee.